
The present system of democracy in many countries is questionable and in most cases only lasts a day at a time during the election of the government.
In many cases when a government is elected they implement a whip on their elected members so they must always support the government whether the government is right or wrong.
The opposition has the same policy thus members must vote the way their party requires.
A government must be elected by the people for the people and a free vote parliament is the true democracy.

Take a look at Ireland just now the people want a change of government and that is not possible because the elected members are not allowed a free vote in parliament



The sitting period of government would be five years
There would be no party whip; it would be a free vote system.
The failure of a government to get a bill passed would not lead to the fall of government.

The Government can only be taken down by a vote of no confidence or a government may voluntary call an election.


1 Scrap the Senate

  • Replace with a twelve person presidential cabinet

  • The presidential cabinet will carry out the work of the senate. All government bills would be passed into law by the cabinet.

  • The presidential cabinet would be elected on the same Election Day as the president.

  • Candidates must sign a declaration of allegiance to the country and make a sworn oath of putting the national interest, self, political, religious or otherwise.


2 Dail Eireann

  • Reduce the number of T.Ds electing 2 T.Ds. for each county and one T.D for every 70,000 people of population not including the first 140000 of population in each electoral area.

  • The maximum number of advisers or consultants would be twelve.

  • Each party contesting an election would be required to put the names of their twelve advisers or consultants before the election on nomination papers and their qualities outlined for the voters. Whereby the government was made up by a coalition, then the coalition parties would have to agree on who the twelve advisors or consultants would be selected from all the parties' advisors and consultants named on nomination papers.


3 Pay

  • All T.Ds' salaries would not be more than three times national income

  • Expenses would not be more than half of their salary

  • Lump sum rewards, remunerations and pensions for any kind of services rendered would not exceed double the national income

Presidential Court

The purpose of The Presidential Court would be to try those who were charged for National Crime.

National Crime

Public failure of duties to or against the public or the interest of the public which would include Fraud, neglect, slander, misrepresentation, malpractice or misbehaviour of any kind. All civil or public servants up to and including the President. Semi-state bodies, Public listed Companies, banks, accountants, accountancies, Legal persons or bodies, medical staff, medical bodies.

National Crime minimum sentence if found guilty would be loss of job, pension and any enumeration due from the job. A convicted person can never hold a job within that body again or work with any similar company or body again.

A public company or body found guilty of National Crime may be wound up. The automatic minimum sentence for such a company or body if found guilty would be the replacement of all management concerned. That such management members loss their jobs, pensions and any enumeration due from the company or body. That they could never again hold employment directly or indirectly with that company or body or a similar organisation.

Presidential Investigation Agency

The Presidential Investigation Agency would be the investigation team for the presidential Court. It would investigate and charge where necessary those who they believe committed a National crime. The agency would have an investigating team of 20 persons per one million of population and clerical staff of 2 persons per million of population. It would have a Chief Executive and a prosecuting team of four a Chief Prosecutor and three assistants. The agency would not be allowed to increase staff above the national rota but in time of staff shortage call in investigators from the general police force and clerical staff from the civil service.. The agency’s office working staff could not be more than two persons per head of population any extra staff would have to be justified by The National Employment Agency

Malpractice or any inefficiency in duties of the court or its in vesture could lead to a convicted person or body appealing to the open courts of the land.

Complaint Board

The Complains Board would have a membership of one person per one million. The board would decide if it was viable to put a complaint to The Presidential Agency.

The complaints Board would have working staff of not more than two persons per one million head of population any extra staff would have to be justified by The National Recruitment Agency.

A complaint can be made any person, persons, body or organisation a complaint will not infringe on the rights of the complainant. Anonymous complaints may not be considered for investigation.

National Income

The National income will be based on an hourly rate at the day to day cost of living and would be increased or decreased with the annual rate of inflation.

The National income based on today’s cost of living would be based on a forty hour week at € 7.50 an hour , forty hours a week at €7.50 = €300 for a single person. A family would have an income based on forty hours plus fifty per cent meaning their National Income entitlement would be sixty hours at €7.50 =€450 a week.

There would be no additional benefits under any circumstances.

National income would be paid out to the unemployed, the sick, pensioners and people with specials needs eighteen years of age and over.

The National income would be gradually reduced as a person builds up working hours. An unemployed person would have to work ten hours a week for any unprofitable organisation which was working for the greater good of others whether national or international. The non-profitable organisation would have to register the hours the person works with The National Employment Agency. The unemployed person would also be allowed to work ten hours a week without the income affecting their National income after ten hours and up to forty hours the person would loose a percentage of their National income- i.e.: ten to twenty hours National income would be reduced by thirty per cent of earnings per hour of National Income. Twenty to thirty hours National Income world be reduced by fifty per cent as per hour of National Income. Thirty to forty hours National income would be reduced by ninety per cent forty hours would cut off point ending national income.

Unemployment National income would be supported by national unemployment tax (NUT).

There would be a children allowance paid weekly the allowance would be four hours a week for each child and would be paid from birth until the child is sixteen years of age and two hours a week from the age of sixteen to the age of eighteen years if the child is still school going.

A child of special needs the children allowance would be double and when a child of special needs reach the age of eighteen years their entitlement would be the weekly adult income of €300.

The family would be a married couple or family partnership.

All income would be levied with Health Education and pension contributions. (HEP)

HEP Tax would go entirely to giving citizens a comprehensive free education, health and pension.


Education would be free to everyone from age five years to the age of twenty two years. Should a person leave school before they were sixteen years they would be granted education credits (i.e. leaving school at sixteen years that person would be granted six years credits) The credits can be used at anytime during their lifetime for further education etc. if not used before the person retires then they would be entitled to claim their credits in monetary value. The credits can only used for education before the person reaches pension age.

From the age of sixteen years to twenty two years a person staying in education would be allowed an National Education Income (N.E.I.) of twenty hours a week(€7.50 x 20 = €150.) This national education income would also liable for HEP. The National Education Income would also be paid to a person leaving school early when they return to education. Should an early school-leaver not return to education then the N.E.I. would be lost to them and would not be added to their pension.